Because I Said So

"Mom's losing it!"

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Saturday night Mass

OK, since tomorrow is Himself's birthday, we decided to go to Mass tonight so he can have a lie-in tomorrow - if the children allow. We have a Church that seats 800. It has become apparent that at least 780 of these people are stupid. Or sleepwalking. Or both. CAUTION - Very non-Christian comments will follow. But I excuse myself because even Jesus got ticked at stupid and unfair people. Ok, these people come into Church acting like they are at a carnival. I am not so conservative that I will comment on styles of dress. My motto is - you are here and that's what matters. God does not care about clothes. God made bodies so your wrinkly ass knees are not going to scare Him. BUT I will interject one provision to that, and again I feel like I can since I am one of the unskinny. Here are the rules I want everyone to follow and accept:

1- Because you own it does NOT mean it fits you

2- Because someone had it for sale does NOT mean you should buy it

3- Just because someone you know said it looked ok on you does not mean that it does. The person you ask should not answer every question with "uh huh".

3- Look at yourself in the mirror. Check out everything. Does it fit? Is it long enough? NOW (and this is the crucial part) TURN TO THE SIDE. I know, I hate the way it looks too. I cannot believe that's what I look like from the side either. BUT IT IS A NECESSARY STEP in making sure all the parts are covered. It is important when you are unskinny to be covered - and not just the naughty bits. Most things.

Ok, so clothing aside - these people are chatting loudly, calling across the Church to friends, looking at cell phones (AND NOT SHUTTING THEM OFF! I swear, just once couldn't God lightning bolt one that rings during the Consecration?) - you name it and they are doing it. And all the time, quietly He sits and does not command attention. The little red light next the tabernacle lets us know that He is there. He died for us and it hurt. His Mommy had to watch the whole thing and probably wanted to die herself. I know now that no matter how old, my babies will always be my babies. It must have been the same for her. How did she bear it? She had borne so much already. And all for us, so that we could see God one day. He suffered to wash away the sins of us all, the sins of the Ages. He was granted victory over death and now He cannot be granted the respect of the people in the same room as He is? And the Priests won't yell, won't tell people how to act because if they do - well, people won't come back. I am beginning to believe that would not be such a bad thing. And I'm left sitting there saying to myself "Judge not lest ye be judged" and trying to get my children to act the way I know they should so that at least I can say we are trying. And I remember that God is our Father, and as such is more forgiving than I can understand. But how about just one small zap to a cell phone if no one gets hurt? :)


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