Because I Said So

"Mom's losing it!"

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dirty Dancing and The Day Ahead

Ok, so I had put DD on TiVo pause while I blogged before. I went back to watch it and cannot get over that I majorly block that the middle of the movie is about a botched abortion. Too sad to get into when one spends their life hoping for lots of babies and then waiting 8 years for a second one. Must focus on the fact that she was well worth the wait. BUT that's not really the point. I love our two so much and would not trade them, but like a friend just wrote about in HER blog, the scars of infertility run deep. They kinda make you a little loopy - at least in my case. Like I have the GYN appt today. My period is late so I fantasize that he will tell me that I'm pregnant - even though it would have to be an immaculate conception OR I slept through it. Now, how likely are either one of those scenarios? Then I think, well, maybe LAST month's period was one of those that you get while pregnant so you never suspect you are pregnant? I don't think I tested since it showed up. Sigh, if that was going to be a blog about this stuff I could have put it on FT!

So, diet goes well. Into new numbers (new second numbers, like um, going from 112 to 102. Only not those numbers. I swear, I think my skeleton weighs more than that!) Need to do SOME kind of exercise today. Anything.

So Princess 1 is on a class trip with Daddy and Princess 2 and Wonderpup are home with Mommy today. Should be interesting. "Can I have a pencil? Can I have a hotdog?" these sentences were uttered in rapid fire the other day and you HAVE to wonder how you go from one to the other so quickly!

And I've decided to forgive Patrick Swayze for ever writing "She's like the wind though my tree.........." Any boy that can move like that deserves a second chance!


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